Enneagram WorkshopA Practical Self-development Workshop

Self-development with the Enneagram

Dynamic self-learning and personality development tool.


You will become much more aware of why human behaviors and how to be better individuals!

  • We learn personality types, strengths and weaknesses
  • We understand the dynamics of spiritual and mental development!
  • We develop our ability to understand behavior!
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The Enneagram is a very useful personality map as a path of self-knowledge and therefore of personal growth. In the Enneagram, 9 eneatypes or personality patterns are recognized. These patterns allow us to identify, among other things, the beliefs, the focus of attention and what each eneatipo tries to avoid, and in this way knowing each other better, to develop personally in a more satisfactory and faster way than if we did it guided by our own intuition .

ENEAGRAMA is extending to the training and human resources departments of the most prestigious companies, including CIA, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Sony, Disney, Time Warner, Procter & Gamble, L'Oreal, General Electric, Deutch Bank , Pfizer, Pizza Hut, Hotel Ritz ... among others.

From this course you get the following:

  • It helps to improve the present and future of personal, family and work life.
  • It helps identify what is the source of fears and how to deal with them, vulnerabilities, needs.
  • It helps you change the perspective of your life and your relationships.
  • You will discover ways to make a profound life change.
  • You will learn to identify the type of personality of those around you (children, partners, friends, family) in order to help them and understand each other better.

This course includes the following:

  1. Talks organized from a scientific perspective.
  2. Educational brochure with all the information of the course.
  3. All practices and exercises to share.
  4. Certificate of Participation endorsed by DHRIM Spain
  5. Access to teaching material on our website.

Let's Organize a Workshop!

There is the possibility of organizing a workshop somewhere you know!

The workshop costs can be covered entirely by donations or partially covering direct costs ...

More Information

Take advantage of this Course!

People who take this course are surprised by the large amount of details they learn about the personality of themselves, family, friends and colleagues at work. They also manage to understand how to change their weaknesses in strengths and develop positively; really a very beneficial course!


Would you like to participate on this workshop?

Contact us, we can send you more details and respond to your questions!

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