Online Practical Meditation Course
A wonderful practical meditation course for all those who want to learn meditation techniques motivated by practical application in everyday life. We will learn to recognize, activate and strengthen our connection with our Intuitive Intelligence or Inner Being, a connection that we all have but we do not develop it because we are almost all the time looking outward. What better than to learn meditation helping to solve problems that are presented to us in our lives. This course will really teach you how to generate profound changes in your life!
If you are looking to integrate spirituality much more into your life, this course is for you! Here you will learn the key factors to have good meditation sessions and how to integrate the practice of meditation in your daily life; You will become aware of your true Self!
A practical course to learn different techniques that will help you purify your mind, improve your health, concentration and performance at work. You will learn to increase your energy levels and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Register by sending a WhatsApp message to +44 79 03 12 10 24 (UK) sending your full name, email, city - country. Whatsapp Chat
What you will learn:
- How to enter a meditative state using different methods depending on the situations you are in.
- How to deepen meditation very quickly by learning how to use balance factors during meditation (there is personalized coaching if required).
- How to dissolve the thinking patterns of the subconscious mind and eradicate negatives.
- How to use meditation to cure chronic stress and illness.
- You will understand the dynamics of energy work in our body and mind at an experiential level.
- How meditation can make a difference in your life, freeing your internal conflicts to optimize all your unlimited creativity.
- You will begin to integrate spiritual knowledge in a practical way in your life.
- You will learn many practical applications for yourself and to help other people.
Structure of the meditation course:
The meditation course is organized to perform 77 hours of effective meditations subdivided into 7 main sections organized in 7 weeks.
This course is given online and starts at any time, in which each participant advances at their own pace. For those who want or require it, there are personalized Coaching sessions via Zoom and / or face-to-face if there is the possibility of meeting in person.
The sections have been organized so that the participants can progress with the development of their skills in a constructive circle, being able to start again after 7 weeks, each time achieving a higher quality in their meditations.
Most of the meditation sessions taught require practicing multiple times to achieve the expected result. For this reason, it is a course that can be advanced and deepened in the practical knowledge of each section in a perpetual way. You always keep learning and having new experiences.
The teaching model is constructivist, ensuring that each participant can learn and perfect the techniques learned regardless of whether they are at a basic or intermediate or advanced level.
This meditation course starts when the participant registers and can end after completing the first 7-week cycle or continue with a second round and continue learning and perfecting each type of meditation.
Practices Learned:
- General technique of respiratory awareness. (Anapana)
- Vipassana meditation technique
- Technique of spiritual meditation of the heart
- Meditation technique for balancing male and female energies
- Meditation technique for the protection and prevention of energy loss
- Meditation technique to heal serious illnesses
- Dissolve obstacles with meditation
- Rooting the earth and anchor meditation
- Meditation for healing the lower abdomen (activation of the female energy center)
- Timeline Meditation Technique
- Meditation technique to revoke karmic agreements and vows
- Meditation technique to dissolve karmic knots
- Meditation technique of the Golden Light of the Masters
- Meditation technique with Affirmations
- Meditation technique for working with angels
- DNA Alignment Meditation Technique
- Transgenerational meditation technique
- Meditation technique to attract economic abundance
- Meditation technique to heal relationships with parents
- Meditation techniques to help other people
Teaching in the course:
The meditation course is designed for both beginners and advanced people and for all ages over 14 years old.
In the case of advanced people, they mostly focus on basic traditional meditation that we teach in the second section of the course. Here you will learn how to use the skills of meditation developed over the years in different practical applications to bring more awareness to your life and also to help other people.
The practices are supported by the scientific advances of the last 15 years, considered an important aspect to understand how meditation techniques work.
Apart from the practical meditations, many of these are complemented by a theoretical audio of 10 to 15 minutes explaining the technique and the key factors to optimize meditation.
The course is 70% practical and also includes basic theoretical aspects of meditation teaching and scientific advancement.
Course hours:
The meditation course is given online at its own pace, that is, each participant decides when to meditate. The course requires 30 to 40 minute meditation sessions and in some cases 50 to 60 minutes due to the specific work being done, for example, in the case of the pact dissolution & karmic agreement meditation session.
It is recommended to allocate 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night for meditation practices and about 20 minutes of daily instructions on average.
There is also a group meditation schedule, every Monday and Friday at 13:30 UTC (in Spain 3:30 p.m., in Bolivia - Chile 9:30 a.m., in Argentina 10:30 a.m., in Mexico 8:30 a.m.).
Participation and accreditation:
All course participants receive a certificate of participation for 77 effective hours of meditation learning, endorsed by DHRIM Spain. This certificate is not valid for university credits.
To be beneficiaries of the certificate issued by DHRIM Spain, participants must complete 90% of the meditation course.
Requirements to participate in this meditation course:
Those interested in participating in this online meditation course must be in good general health, both physically and emotionally, enough to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires.
Those interested must be willing to spend an average of one and a half hours of their time each day.
Price of this online meditation course:
This online course is offered in its basic format with the exchange of a donation that the participant can make at any time.
To thank with all my heart to all the people who have sent us their contribution, we are all connected with the law of reciprocity, of giving and receiving! Thank you very much in advance.
There are individualized coaching sessions for those who wish. (33 euros / hour)
Register by sending a WhatsApp message to +44 79 03 12 10 24 (UK) sending your full name, email, city - country. Whatsapp Chat